Ladies and gentlemen.
Significantly increase the likelihood of process successes and therefore competitiveness, by categorizing your employees (human element ― factor of real benefit) ― in terms of performance characteristics-/potential and -deficits ― for exploratory talks at your own discretion or using defined indicators. The maximum exploitation of potential ― precondition: The optimum factor allocations (i. a. consumable resources) ― can only be achieved by prior determination of the degree of utilisation of synergies.
With the aid of the AHP_plus Matrix ― as an multi-dimensional and multi-instrumental Assessment Tool a novelty in the sector 'Business Intelligence Software Solutions' (BISS) ― developed by the CEO in practice (empirical studies) for hierarchical and partitioned process analyzes, such utilisation levels of synergies (synergism, -determining the degree of utilisation) can be determined in a process-relevant way; in addition, this method makes the employees internal potential for conflict visible to the employer and, moreover, enables the explicit illustration of possible potential for conflict on the basis of economic key figures.
Since every company is primarily determined by the quality of its employees, the human factor is of great importance. But where the human is, the conflict is not far away. The conflict is synonymous with a very aggressive virus, which often led to the exitus letalis (fatal outcome) of a company.
Therefore, it is important to deal intensively with the topic of conflict management and to integrate it into the process world.
Affected are not only individuals (intrapersonal), but also several groups of people and/or entire organizational systems (interpersonal). Conflicts as disturbances that burden or interrupt the plot/group dynamics. Conflicts with the tendency to escalate and increase in intensity over time.
The best example of conflict situations is the world of work. Various factors, such as different personalities, needs and interest profiles ('hierarchy of needs', according to the American psychologist, Abraham-Harold Maslow; * April 01st, 1908 - † June 08th, 1970 ― physiological-, security-, social-, self-esteem- and self-actualization needs), are the reason for non-conforming behavior in the company; independent of the hierarchy level.
In addition, international competition, the free/social/centralist market economy, taking account of the respective ideology/logic (axiom), offers a system of conflict that should not be underestimated.
The goal is to achieve a meta-communication (total communication ― digital1 and analog2).
We can help you to identify internal performance potentials/-deficits, prevent conflicts through prevention through trainings/initiations, or resolve existing conflicts as quickly as possible.
If you wish, you can arrange a non-binding appointment with us in order to carry out a first situation analysis together.
Digital: Electronic data transfer.
Analog: (Non-)Verbal communication. |
Management Consultancy Cologne, DAVID-SEIDEL-CONSULTING-GROUP; Contact/Address/Location of the DAVID-SEIDEL-CONSULTING-GROUP, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Ring 28, 50672 Cologne.